Guinea Bissau has many sites of exceptional richness, to the point of being considered a veritable ecological sanctuary in West Africa. Among these sites is the Bijagos archipelago, a group of 88 islands and islets lined with mangroves and palm trees, spread over 2,500 km2 of Atlantic off the coast of Guinea-Bissau.

A magical wilderness, its rich flora and fauna include several species of monkey, gazelles, crocodiles, dolphins, manatees, turtles, migratory birds and a rare herd of hippos that frequent the sea.

The country has also many other sites rich in biodiversity, such as the Parc Naturel des Mangroves du Fleuve Rio Cacheu, considered as the largest mangrove formation in West Africa. Or Orango National Park, a collection of five islands, including Orango, the greenest, wildest and largest of the archipelago.